Friday, June 29, 2012

Rock the Casbah

So for the past few years business has been slow at best, but lately it seems to be picking up a bit!!! Yay!!! I am so very blessed to have this job that I not only LOVE but my boss is awesome even on days when he is a bit of a beast, as all bosses are at times. Why is he so awesome you ask??? Because he lets me bring my kids to work with me every single night I have to work!!! So I get to be with them and not have to leave them with a sitter wahooooo!!!

I cannot yet decide though if this is going to be one of those things where they grow up and say " my childhood was epic because my mom took us everywhere when she worked in restaurants and theaters". Or if they will grow up and say "my life sucked my mom drug me everywhere". Lol I guess I will see, but if you want my opinion, and you must because you are still reading. I think they will be very well rounded individuals. At the theater they are surrounded by artists and they are always seeing one play or another and even sometimes help build, paint, and make stuff for the set. They can tell you who William Shakespeare is and can sing most of the songs in a handful of child appropriate musicals. But most importantly, during the day when the theater is empty and I am sewing they ask me to out costumes on and they go onstage and make their own plays for hours they make up their own stories and play!!!

It also helps that all the folks I. The theater department love them too and play with them all the time.

Anyway that's my 2 cents!!!!

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