Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My ADD Brain

Its the Holidays!!! YAY or not because I have to make presents, oh but look at that dirt on the floor, my dog needs a bath, hey laundry's done, oh look something sparkly....

That is pretty much how my brain feels all the time these days. 

This season on Grey's Anatomy, Teddy told Christina to make a bucket list of every surgery she ever wanted to do.  Why does that matter???  Because its an amazing idea!!!  I am going to make a long LONG bucket list of things i want to create and then I am going to do it!!!! 

The problem is I am trying to figure out just exactly why my brain cannot stay focused on one thing at a time.  Sometimes I think its because I don't have the money to finish a lot of projects, then other times I think I am just crazy.  Who knows but this year is the year to do it different, to do it better!!!  To finish my wedding album lol!!!!

Oh other notes, I was recently "promoted" if you want to call it that, actually I feel more like I was dropped into the 7th circle of Hell!!!!  Basically my job, for whatever reason, has caused some folks who were once very close to me, to just go away.  It makes me really sad, but I am not sure who I am sad for, I am sad for me because it hurts my feelings because it seems to me that egos have gotten in the way of friendship.  And I am sad for them because running away from things is no way to solve anything.  I think I am pretty awesome.  I mean I will bend over backwards for other people should the occassion call for it, but everytime I have done that in the past year, I have been crapped on.  Not that I am necessarily complaining, I mean I have full faith that the Lord does not put things in our path that we cannot deal with.  Its just a trial I have to overcome.  In someways I feel very blessed, compared to some other folks my trials are really VERY trivial.  There are people who have children who are sick, people who cannot feed their families, and families that are broken apart all over the place.  But I am blessed because I don't have any of those problems.  Now is the time to use this faith for good.  I am just praying that the Lord will guide me so that I will know what it is he wants me to do with all these heartbreaking lessons he is teaching me.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Girls Camp!!!

So this time last week I was at girls camp having the best and most spiritually uplifting week of my life, thus far.  I seriously thought at some point Jesus was going to show up like the second coming was going to happen right then :D...obviously it didn't but that is just how amazing it was!!!

Day 1: Tuesday, Driving to camp

Fun and uneventful, the girls did try to get us to listen to plain white t's and justin bieber (gag lol) but we listened to EFY and Young Women broadcasts instead and that made it awesome!!!  We got to camp and found out that not only were we no where near the lodge this time but in fact were in the furthest campsite from it...lol my poor gimpy foot and i had to trek up to the lodge everyday from like 100 yards or more away but it was ok it didn't hurt and I didn't mind, but it would have been  nice to be close, however, the campsite in the back of the camp ground is most beautiful and more foresty so that was nice :D!!!  The rest of the day was filled with fun and spiritual getting to know you activites.  We had one girl who was a little home sick but she called her mom and it helped her feel a little better.

Day 2: Wednesday, First Full day at camp

For me this day was filled with sitting around the main lodge and wondering around the main part of camp, as i was too gimpy to really do a lot of walking.  My foot didn't bother me as much as my hips did at the end of the days because of the wierd height difference in my legs because of the boot.  But I got to hang around with ladies I hardly ever see and that was fun.  My little homesick girl was still pretty homesick at the beginning of the day but i was watching her closely all day since her group was just outside the main lodge and she seemed to be having a good time as the day went on and she was smiling by the end of it.  I think this was the night we did skits in a bag which is always a big hit with the girls they love it, and our girls did amazing.."Don't be a drag, just be a queen!!!"

Day 3: Thursday, Hike day, Bishops night, and Mothers without borders

This is usually my favorite day of camp because of the hikes but sadly this year i did not get to go on the hikes so instead I helped the ladies prepare for Bishops night by making tons of little plaques with the temple on them that say "Families are Forever".  Later after the hikes I got to hear all about them and they sounded wonderful and spiritual and amazing esp Sister Padgetts props to you girl, I wish I could have been there for it!!!  As we were waiting for the bishops to show up, Britta and I got a chance to talk to Sis Woodbury all about her trip to Africa with Mothers without Borders.  Needless to say I am SOOOO going as soon as i can!!!  Bishops night was fun and as we all know bishops night also means dutch oven cobbler..only the BEST thing on the planet for real!!!!!

Day 4: Friday, Last full day of camp, and Testimony meeting

Last full day of camp is bitter sweet :) we told the girls to be packing a little in their free time so that we didn't have to be too late getting home on saturday and out of there the next morning.  The day wen't off without a hitch.  Then it was time to prepare for the testimony meeting.  This was amazing, sis Buckhoff did an amazing job planning for this testimony prep, the spirit was so strong that there wasn't a dry eye in that camp.  During the testimony sharing, most of our girls got up and I know that all of them will next year.  This was the point at which I was certain Jesus was about to show up lol...it was that powerful :)

Day 5: Saturday, time to go home

YES!!! and Sad at the same time, I wanted to go home to my kiddos and my AC but I didn't want to lose the amazing spirit that I felt at camp.  I have found ways since being home to keep it but it isn't nearly as strong.

All in all camp was amazing this year.  You know, in Feb or early in the year we always have a big camp meeting to talk about what to expect at camp that year and we always discuss how camp is to help the young women grow closer to their Heavenly Father and to build and stregthen their testimonies but they never mentioned that it would do the same thing for the leaders that go :)!!!  I love going to camp because it reminds me that all those things I tell the girls still apply to me, I am still a daughter of God who loves me, and I am still here to do great things and be an example of a follower of Christ to those around me :)   I love Jesus and I hope it shows  in the way I am and the way I treat other people.  I know i am not perfect and that is ok, that is why we have Jesus and the atonement!!!  Until next time!!!

ps sry no pics lol...i don't think i took one

Monday, June 27, 2011

Shot in the foot, and Young Women Values hair bows!!!

So yesterday was sunday and it was awesome as usual!!!  I went to church and had a great time and felt the spirit which is always wonderful!!!  Then I came home and started a HUGE hairbow project that I finished this afternoon.  I created a hair bow with fabric flowers made from all the Young Women Value colors!!! 

They are Faith, which is White and stands for Purity, Divine nature which is blue and reminds us to look toward the blue sky and heaven and where we came from, Individual Worth which is red, it reminds us of the blood of Chirst which was paid for us because to him there was no price too high, Knowledge which is green, it reminds us of spring when things are beginning to grow and reminds us to always keep growing and learning, Choice an Accountability which is orange, reminds us to use caution when making choices to prayerfully go about our lives so that we can be sure to choose the right path, Good works which is yellow, it reminds us of sunshine and all the happiness and love that shines from us when we serve and love others, Integrity which is purple and reminds us we are royal daughters of God, in old times this dye was hard to come by so only royalty had purple clothes, and if we have integrity then we will have all the other values as well, and Virtue which is gold, this reminds us that there is nothing more precious than our virtue.

It was a really fun project to make and I love going back to my Young Women roots, I just feel so connected with that program right now and I love it!!  I am going back and feeding my inner child because little Jasmine really needs to know that she is all those special wonderful things that big Jasmine tries to tell all the beautiful young girls in her life that the are.  Little Jasmine is just as sweet, kind, beautiful, and has just as much potential to do good and change the world as the youth that I am honored to serve today.  Here is a pic of my project, i hope you guys like it, it was very good for my soul to make it and wear it as a reminder that I too have all of these values and that I also must always work to keep them.
you must excuse the hair lol it had been a long day :D
So today was also kind of annoying...about a year ago I broke my sesamoid bone and just barely was diagnosed with a broken bone.  Well this afternoon my Dr. shot me in the foot with steroids and put me in a ghastly walking boot...don't worry pics to come.  However!!!  This afternoon i also purchased some cute fabric to cover it in so it won't be too ugly for long.  It has been a bit of a pain getting use to walking in the beast but if it means no surgery then i don't mind wearing it for a couple months.  The dr said i could still dance and swim but to wear the boot at all other times when I am not engaged in those activities. 

Tomorrow I am heading to camp and will be posting notes and pics via my cell phone so keep an eye out to see what's going on, I am sure that I will also post them on FB so no worries.

Until then...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Crafts, Finished dress, Sushi and Lulu's!!!

Today was a VERY busy day!!!!  Today was the big day of crafting with my girls!!  I had an amazing group of extremly crafty women over here today making all sorts of pretty things, of course i will add photos..assuming I can figure out how to do it.  Camp is next week and I am delighted that we were able to get all these wonderful gifts made for the girls today and in less than 3 hours, plus it was a lot of fun.

All the things we made

close up of the crystal temple braclet

Close up of "Dare to be Different" pic (not the best one, I did this one lol)

Close up of the photo frame "Remember who you are" each of the girls get one with their photo in it and they are all different!!!

Close up of the values necklace, you can't really tell what it looks like, i will model one later :D

So last night LATE, I finally finished a dress I started last September.  Last year I took my best friend Britta to see Adam Lambert in concert ( I know we are old and cheesy but he was fun and glittery so :P).  Anyway I wanted to wear this dress, but I didn't finish it because I got too busy working on other things, well last night I finished it and I wore it out tonight with Britta, Susie, and Ashely!!! We had dinner at Tangerine, and Dessert at Lulu's Chocolate bar (I highly recommend this place, it is awesome).  Sadly I forgot to get a pic of us as a group, which sucks cuz we were all cute and vintage looking.  Speaking of which, I had this dress in my closet that never fit me and my friend Susie didn't bring a vintage dress to go out in, so she tried it on and it fit like a glove!!! I am kicking myself for not getting a pic tonight...dangit...oh well here is a photo of the finished dress with me all dressed up rockabilly style :) 

I had on black cork wedges with it, so i was totally ROCKIN!!!  I wish my hair had been bigger, it wouldn't cooporate lol!!!
So all in all I would say today was pretty epic, and now I am proud of myself because two days in a row I have done something awesome.  I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!!!

Until then...

Friday, June 24, 2011

So I set up my blog for my mobile device...I wonder how it works, time to find out!!!! Hmmm I wonder if andriod has an app for blogger????

Here we go

Alrighty so I have decided that I am going to hang up the excuse that I never have anything worth blogging about because it is a total lie!!!  My life is awesome, as per my title ;)!!!  I keep seeing on facebook, and other blogs all these wonderful and interesting things that people are doing and writing about so I decided that I am going to start talking about the interesting stuff I do.  Today, day one, I started a blog!! YAY!!!  Tomorrow I am hosting a crafting day at my house, the spoils of which i will post in tomorrow's blog if all goes according to plan.  The big craft day tomorrow is in preparation for Young Women's Camp for my church.  I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I LOVE IT!!!  I love the gospel of Jesus Christ, he is totally awesome!!!  But camp is the time of year that a select, and I say elite ;) few women of my stake, get to spend a week with the most amazing group of young girls in the entire world, of course i could be biased :D!!!  This year our camp theme is "Your Once Upon a Time is Now" its a play on the princess theme, because last year an amazing man named Dieter Utchdorf gave an amazing talk with the same title all about how life is like a story, and right now is our once upon a time and each day we are writing the pages and events in our story. And about how the heros and heroines in our stories were that because of overcoming all sorts of adversity and struggles and still staying true to theirselves, and their beliefs.  So me and a group of my friends are all making some wonderful crafty things to give as gifts to the girls.  Of course when it is all over i will post some pictures for my followers (which i don't have now but hope to soon :D) to see all the fun stuff we did and maybe use some of it in their own princess themed thing!!!  So todays big accomplishment!!! Start a blog..check!!  Tomorrow make lots of cute things and post pics!!!  See ya then!!!